Then select (or re-select) english_customization.xml in the Preferences for Localization and, after all that, alt+b should allow you quick access to the direction control. english_customizable.xml) and change the text concerning this control so that it appears like this &Backward direction.

Then you’d edit your localization file (e.g. Say you wanted to use the “b” in Backward direction. Just edit the localization file and add a & character in front of the character you want to use to access the control. If Peter’s interpretation is correct, there’s an easy way to solve it. Of course, if posters would describe their need better, there would be less interpreting. In the Find dialog, you are correct, there is no shortcut key to toggle the Backward direction checkbox directly.Īh, that’s a bit of a different interpretation of the need than mine. In case you didn’t know, the documentation has three paragraphs on “Find in Files” dialog, which includes instructions on how to use the Filter to exclude files that you don’t want to said in SHort cut key to backward search Ignore specific path in the find in files option:.Could you please add an accelerator key for the Backward direction checkbox? Thank you.” If you do make an issue, be sure to include all the elements of the template that they provide when you create the issue.Īs to your second question, that is a “how to” question, and is thus well-suited for this forum. The phrasing I would suggest when you follow those instructions is, “ In the Find dialog, the Backward direction checkbox doesn’t have an accelerator key (keyboard shortcut), unlike most of the other fields, buttons, and checkboxes in the dialog. However, I suggest working on your phrasing if you make a request there, because you have not made it easy for us to understand what you want. If you are trying to make a feature request, this FAQ explains where such things are better presented.(Or it’s one TAB from In Select_i_on, or one Shift+TAB from Match _w_hole word only – though both of those would toggle an extra checkbox if you used those shortcuts.) However, if clicking the mouse is that onerous to you, that field is only two TAB presses from the Find what box, so you could do Alt+F to get to the Find what, then hit TAB twice from there, SPACEBAR will toggle the checkbox.

In the Find dialog, you are correct, there is no shortcut key to toggle the Backward direction checkbox directly. That doesn’t have a Backward direction toggle, because Find in Files only has a Find All, so the forward vs. Your original statement was about the Find in Files, not the Find dialog.